

Автор: Брызгалина Елена Сергеевна
Должность: преподаватель иностранных языков
Учебное заведение: ГАПОУ Волгоградский медико-экологический техникум Волжский Филиал
Населённый пункт: город Волжский Волгоградская область
Наименование материала: методическая разработка
Тема: "Хобби"

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ГАПОУ «Волгоградский медико-экологический техникум» Волжский филиал Методическая разработка урока по дисциплине «Английский язык» по теме:
Подготовила преподаватель 1 категории, английского и немецкого языков Брызгалина Е. С. Волжский 2015 г.

Конспект урока

Английский язык
Тема урока:
Тип урока:
практическое занятие.
обучающие: углубить и расширить лексический материал по теме, сформировать и закрепить навыки устной речи, тренировать студентов в умении отвечать на вопросы, совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме; развивающие: способствовать развитию умения высказывать свою точку зрения, умения сопоставлять, анализировать, выделять главное, обобщать, формулировать выводы, самостоятельно приобретать и применять знания в практической деятельности; развивать познавательный интерес и творческие способности, развивать языковую догадку; воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к иноязычной культуре, доброжелательное отношение студентов друг к другу, способность к сотрудничеству и умению общаться, формировать навыки самостоятельной работы.
Методы обучения
: - словесные - наглядные - репродуктивные - частично-поисковые
: - раздаточный материал: лексический материал, вопросы для контроля, карточки с заданиями для групповой и индивидуальной работы.

Ход занятия
1. Организационный момент
: (
5 мин.)
Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. Stand up. Sit down please. Let's begin our lesson. Today we continue our talk about people's hobbies. At the lesson we will learn some new information about it. We will check up your knowledge on this material. Look at the pictures on the blackboard. There are a lot of hobbies in the world. Name them.
2. Актуализация


знаний. (15 мин.)
Answer my questions please: 1) What is Hobby? 2) Does hobby make your life more interesting? 3) What groups are hobbies divided into? 4) What is the oldest man's hobby? 5) What is a new, but popular hobby? 6) Name hobbies that are in hobby group of " doing things". 7) Name hobbies that are in hobby group is "making things". 8) What things can people collect? 9) Why should everyone have a hobby?
1) Hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time . 2) Yes. it does. Hobby makes your life more interesting. 3) Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things. 4) Gardening is one of the oldest man's hobbies.
5) Playing different computer games is a new popular hobby. 6) It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to traveling and from chess to volleyball. 7) Drawing, painting writing poems are in hobby group of "making things". 8) People can collect stamps, postcards, books, toys. 9) We learn much from Hobby. At the last lesson we learnt Future Simple Tense. When is it used? How does it form? На прошлом занятии мы рассматривали Будущее неопределённое время. Когда оно используется? Как образуется?
Future Simle выражает действия, которые произойдут в будущем. Образование Future Simple Tense
will + Verb
Now let’s do some exercises.
Task 1
: put the verbs in brackets into Future Simple Tense Поставьте глагол в скобках в Простое Будущее Время a) Nina (to finish) her work. b) They (to visit) Great Britain. c) They (to go) to the cinema. d) I (to spend) much time at the library. e) She (to make) a holiday dinner.
a) Nina
finish her work next week. b) They
visit Great Britain next year. c) They
go to the cinema in an hour. d) I
spend much time at the library tomorrow. e) She
make a holiday dinner the day after tomorrow.
: put the general questions to these sentences Поставьте общие вопросы к предложениям

Nina finish her work next week? b)
They visit Great Britain next year? c)
They go to the cinema in an hour? d)
I spend much time at the library tomorrow? e)
She make a holiday dinner the day after tomorrow?
: make these sentences negative Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму
a) Nina
will not
finish her work next week. b) They
will not
visit Great Britain next year. c) They
will not
go to the cinema in an hour. d) I
will not
spend much time at the library tomorrow. e) She
will not
make a holiday dinner the day after tomorrow.
We also learnt some words connecting with the task Hobby. I say Russian

words you give their English equivalents. Мы также изучали лексику по

теме Хобби.

Сейчас я назову слова на русском языке, а вы назовёте их на английском

живопись, занятие, вязание, садоводство, рыбалка, охота, рисование, коллекционирование, свободное время, любить , нравиться, интересоваться, быть полезным, увлекательным, доставлять радость.
Painting, occupation, knitting, gardening, fishing, drawing, collecting, free time, to like, to be fond of, to be interested at to be useful, exciting to give joy.
3.Изучение нового материала. Работа с текстом. (25 мин.)
Hello Tatiana, How are you? Sorry for not writing for a long time, I’ve been very busy recently. Could you maybe help me? I have a problem with my 15-year-old son. My husband and I have bought him a new computer as a birthday gift. One of his friends showed “Counter Strike” to him and my son got obsessed with it. He can play for hours without a break. When I ask him to have a bite or to rest, he always refuses. When I remind him about his homework or his home duties, he
answers that he’s just finishing the game. Sometimes it seems to me that he doesn’t hear me because he is too absorbed in his virtual adventures. When I forbid him to play, he may become very naughty and even aggressive. Max doesn’t care what he eats or does. He has stopped to communicate with his friends and doesn’t play outdoors. He has lost his interest in learning! I don’t know what to do. Could you give me some advice? Kind regards, Anna.
Listen to me. Firstly I read the text in English.

Послушайте меня. Я читаю текст на английском языке.

Let's read vocabulary notes and then write them down into your

Прочитаем слова к тексту и запишем их в тетради.
Vocabulary notes:
to get obsessed быть одержимым to refuse отказаться to remind напоминать to be absorbed быть поглощённым to forbid запрещать to play outdoors играть на улице
Now answer the questions to text:
Ответьте на вопросы : 1) What is the type of text? 2)What problem has Anna with her son? 3) Why is Anna so concerned? 4) What advice could you give Anna? 5) What hobby would you recommend Max? Why?
1) It is a Letter. 2) Ann's son spends too much time playing computer games. 3) Anna is so concerned because her son Max doesn’t care what he eats or does. He has stopped to communicate with his friends and doesn’t play outdoors.
4) I would advise her to talk to her son and give him information of another hobbies . 5)I would recommend max playing football, tennis or any other sport because it is useful for health and very exciting.
4. Закрепление


материала (25 мин.)

Task1: give it name.

Дайте название.

making things with thread and needles
the art of overcome obstacles
handmade art of making family or personal photoalbums
taking pictures with the help of camera
workout in the gym
- it is knitting - it is parkour - it is scrappbooking - it is taking photos - it is going to gym
Task 2: match the word from the left column with the word from the right


Образуйте словосочетание, соединив слово из левой колонки со словом

из правой колонки.
- to loose a break - to stop agressive - to get adventures - without obsessed - forbid communicate - virtual interest - become to play
- to loose interest - to stop communicate - to get obsessed - without a break - forbid to play
- virtual adventures - become agressive
Task 3: Find to each word the word with the opposite meaning.

Подберите антоним к каждому слову.
- exciting - a lot of - joyful - to like - strong
- exciting - boring - a lot of - a little - joyful - sad - to like - to dislike - strong - weak
Task 4: match the word combination with the word combination with similliar


Соедините словосочетание с его синонимом.
- to like to get to know smth new - to learning things to be fond of - it makes me happy to consider - to have a hobby it brings me joy - to suppose to do smth in free time with pleasure
- to like to be fond of - to learning things to get to know smth new - it makes me happy it brings me joy - to have a hobby to do smth in free time with pleasure - to suppose to consider
5. Подведение итогов занятия и объявление домашнего задания. (10мин.)

Today we are talking about different hobbies.
Now we must do a little test. Choose the correct variant in each sentence.

Сейчас выполним небольшой тест. Выберите правильный вариант

ответа для каждого предложения.


1. Hobby is ...
a) a favourite occupation of a person in his free time b) personal traits c) personal duties
2. It is not a hobby ...
a) collecting postcards b) growing flowers c) having a shower
3. This hobby is not popular among young people ...
a) watching movies b) collecting stamps c) playing computer games
4. This hobby may be harmful ...
a) fishing b) reading books c) playing computer games
5. The best meaning of the word "Parkour"
a) умение сохранять равновесие на любых поверхностях b) искусство рационального преодоления препятствий c) способность идти на далёкие расстояния
6.The opposite word to the word "like"
a) to be fond of b) adore c) dislike
7. Travelling means ...
a) to visit different countries and continents b) to go to the village c) to know much about the foreign countries
8. Scrappbooking is ...
a) handmade art of making family or personal photoalbums
b) making toys c) various ways of making soap
9. Hobby helps person to feel ...
a) sad b) fear c) pleasure
10. Person's life without hobby is ...
a) boring b) pleasant c) wonderful
Key to the TEST:

1) a

2) c

3) b

4) c

5) b

6) c

7) a

8) a

9) c

10) a

Let's do one more Task. Make the crossword from the nouns from the


Выполним ещё одно задание - кроссворд из существительных

текста. (составление кроссворда в тетради).
Now look at the blackboard. Your hometask is to give some information about your own hobby. Now I tell the marks for your work. (Объявление оценок). Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. I enjoyed it! Good bye!