
" Мамина улыбка (Mother`s smile)"

Автор: Еремеева Елена Лаврентиевна
Должность: воспитатель
Учебное заведение: МАДОУ "Центр развития ребенка – детский сад №98 "Планета детства"
Населённый пункт: город Набережные Челны Республика Татарстан
Наименование материала: Сценарий праздника
Тема: " Мамина улыбка (Mother`s smile)"

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Сценарий праздника «Mother’s Smile»

ознакомление с традицией праздновать День Матери в Великобритании, поздравление мам и бабушек в песенной и стихотворной форме на английском языке.
кукурузные палочки, наборы игрушечной или одноразовой посуды для сервировки стола, атрибуты для переодевания, дипломы , таблички с буквами
Предварительная работа:
изготовление подарков мамам своими руками; разучивание стихов и песен о маме на английском языке, украшение зала
Ход праздника


(Дети встают в полукруг)
Ведущий 1 :
Good afternoon, dear guests! Good afternoon, dear mothers and grandmother! Hello, children! We are happy to see you here! Today we will celebrate Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day in Russia is quite a new holiday. It has been celebrated since November 1998 Mother’s Day in Great Britain is quite an old holiday. Long ago children in GB began working when they were very young, they worked hard far away from their families and sent money they earned home. They could visit their parents only once a year. They used to bring their mothers and grandmothers little presents – flowers and eggs. Все дети: Hello, dear mothers!
1 реб : The sun is so bright today Because it is the Mother’s Day. The sky is so blue today, Because it’s Mother’s Day. Our Mums are so nice today, We wish them “Happy Mother’s Day!”
2 реб:
Today is Mother`s day. Let`s help Mama. I`ll make breakfast You make lunch. I`ll do the dishes. You do the shopping.
Let`s help Mama. It`s Mother`s Day.
3 реб:
I love you mommy My dearest mommy. You make me happy When I am sad. I want to tell you I really love you.
4 реб:
Make a basket for your Mother And fill it with flowers gay Then put in a postcard to say Happy Mother`s Day!
I love you, Mummy, very much So here's a great big kiss For the nicest person in the world The one who's reading this!
6 реб:
My mommy helps me when I’m sick. My mommy helps me when I’m blue. My mommy helps me when I’m sad. Thanks, Mom, for all that you do! 7 реб: My mother is very nice. She has got beautiful eyes. She has got a smile to charm us. She has got a song to calm us. I love my dear Mummy, I love her very much. ПЕСНЯ « I love you Mummy”


The main part ( Competitions)
I. «
WE`ve overslept. Who wiil be ready quicker?»

Ведущий 1:
: Dear mothers and grandmothers, would you like to take part in the competition called “The Best Mother and Grandmother”? Imagine that you’ve overslept. Your task is to get ready as quickly as possible. By the way, children help their mums to get ready for our kinder garden and mums help kids to get ready for work. ( Дети наряжают мам) Ребенок 1: Я не как не могу решить, что же подарить своей бабушке. Ребенок 2 : Подари ей шаль или платок. Ребенок 1 : Ей больше подойдет модная шляпка. Она у меня вовсе не старушка! Она стройная, красивая, такая модная! И очень молодая! Дети выходят все читают стихи и исполняют песню про бабушку 1. My dearest Grandma, Have a lovely day today; You are the very best! So what else can I say

Everything my grandma does is something special made with love. She takes time to add the extra touch that says, "I love you very much."
Little Girl
- Little girl, little girl, Where have you been?
-I've been to see grandmother Over the green.
- What did she give you?
- Milk in a can.
Boy -
What did you say for it?
- Thank you, Grandmam. ПЕСНЯ ПРО БАБУШКУ
“Feed me!” Children and mothers feed each other . «Накорми меня!»

Ведущий 1:
Children, your grannies are very hungry! Feed them as quick as possible! And then grannies should feed their hungry kids! Детям и взрослым предлагаются кукурузные палочки (для бабушек – кит. палочки, для детей- деревянные ложки). Ведущий 2:Today we`II see a story about the kid named Rududu. Look
Сценка « Ru-du-du»

Mother goat:
I am cooking, cooking cakes (месит тесто) Ru – du –du, come here!
I am here, my dear mummy.
Mother goat:
Ru-du-du, today it is Mother’s Day. Take these cakes to your granny. Goodbye! Be careful!
Of course, my mother. Bye -bye! (Козлик идет к бабушке) Козленок под музыку идет по кругу и говорит : I am going to my granny. I am taking cakes a lot.
( Навстречу к нему идет ослик)

Hello, kid!
Hi! Donkey!
Where are you going? ( Нюхает корзину).It smells good. What are there in your basket?
: There are cakes for my granny. Take the cake. Treat yourself.
Thank you.
: Goodbye!
Bye-bye! Oh, it is very tasty.
Снова козленок идет по кругу под музыку

(Появляются поросята)
Pigs: Hello! Ru-du-du! Kid: Hi, pigs! Pig 1: Where are you going? (2 поросенок нюхает корзиночку) Pig 2: It smells very tasty. Pig 3: What have you got in you basket? Kid: There are cakes for my granny. Take the cakes. Treat yourselves. Pigs: Thank you! Goodbye! Pigs: The cakes are very tasty.
Музыка для поросят

Козленок идет по кругу под музыку

(Появляются лягушата)
Frogs: Hello, Ru-du-du! Kid: Hello, frogs! Frog 1: Where are you going? Frog 2: It smells very tasty. Frog 3: What have you got in your basket? Kid: There are cakes for my granny. Frog 1: For your granny.
Kid: Yes, for my granny. Frog 2: Do you like to play? Kid: Yes, I do. (Игра « Look for») Игра «Ищи» Kid: I like your game very much. Take these cakes. Treat yourselves. Frogs: Thank you, Ru-du-du! Kid: Bye-bye, frogs!
Музыка для лягушат

(Лягушата прыгают и машут руками на прощание)
Kid: I met a lot of friends. I see my granny’s house. (Заглядывает в корзиночку) (Грустно)Oh! I haven’t got any cake for my granny. But there are a lot of flowers around.




Granny: Ru-du-du! Hello! Kid: (грустно) Hi, granny. Granny: What’s the matter? Kid: Mother sent you cakes but I haven’t got any one. I treated my friends. Granny: It’s very good. Kid: I give you flowers white, yellow and red. Granny: Thank you very much. Стих : Ребенок: One, two, three and four Flowers, flowers on the floor. One, two, three and four Take the flowers from the floor. Red, green, yellow, blue Dear mummy, I love you! Red, green, yellow, blue Flowers, flowers- just for you!
«Help your mother lay the table».

Совместная сервировка стола,

декламация стихотворения «Помоги маме накрыть на стол!»
English Teacher: Boys and girls, imagine you are waiting for guests. Mummy is laying the table, but it’s difficult because she’s tired after work. Help her, please! Командам выдаются наборы игрушечной или одноразовой посуды. Дети с мамами (и бабушками) сервируют столы.
:Help your mother lay the table. Put a knife, a fork, a spoon. Help your mother lay the table Every afternoon. III.

Reciting poems about mothers. Стихи на английском для мам .

“Who loves mother best? “ Мальчик с табличкой “М” Boy 1: I love my mother! I love her very much! Who love mother best? Девочка с буквой “О” Girl 1: “I’m”. I give her flowers white, yellow and red. Who loves mother best? Мальчик с буквой “T” Boy 2: “I». With my dear mother I always play. Who loves mother best? Девочка с буквой “H” Girl 2: “I”. She asks to help her I always do so. Who loves mother best? Мальчик с буквой “E” Boy 3: “I”. I’m mother’s little pet Yes, that’s me. Who loves mother best? Девочка с буквой “R” Girl 3: “I”. I’m very, very, very fond of my mother. Child 1: Who feeds me? Все поднимают таблички с буквами. Children: MOTHER Child 2: Who dresses me? Children: MOTHER Child 3: Who always helps me? Children: MOTHER
Song « Dear mummy»

II. Giving presents. Подарки, сделанные своими руками (цветы)

English Teacher
: You were amazing today, dear mothers and grandmothers! We can’t choose because you all are the best! These are your diplomas! We love you very much! You are the best for your kids, you are the kindest, the prettiest, the cleverest for them!