
"Школа моей мечты"

Автор: Безухова Наталья Валериевна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: ГБОУ гимназия г. Сызрани Самарской области
Населённый пункт: г. Сызрань Самарской области
Наименование материала: методическая разработка урока
Тема: "Школа моей мечты"

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открытого урока в 6м классе по теме

«Школа моей мечты»
(по учебнику В.Н. Богородицкой, Л.В. Хрусталевой Английский язык для 6 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка и гимназий. Москва. Издательство «Версия») Учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназии г. Сызрани Самарской области Безухова Н.В.

экспертиза результатов самостоятельной работы учащихся в рамках выполнения проекта «Школа моей мечты».

1. Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, развивать культуру устных выступлений при презентации проектной работы. 2. Проконтролировать знание активной лексики по теме «Школа» на уровне монологических высказываний по теме урока. 3. Развивать умения аудирования.
1. Развивать умения учащихся обобщать полученные знания, проводить анализ, делать необходимые выводы. 2. Развивать способности к логическому изложению материала.
1. Формировать культуру поведения на уроке. 2. Формировать творческое отношение к учебной деятельности.
Тип урока:
урок проверки и коррекции знаний и умений

Форма урока:
урок-презентация проекта.
Оснащение урока:
 мультимедийный проектор;  экран;  подготовленная учащимися презентация с фотографиями школьных кабинетов;  магнитофон;  запись упр. 39 стр. 32 “What kind of school would you like to have?”;
 запись стихотворения “Our School”.
План урока:

Организационный момент: 1. Приветствие. 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока. 3. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.
Основная часть урока. 1. Обучение аудированию:  прослушивание текста;  контроль понимания прослушанного текста. 2. Презентация проекта.
Заключительный этап урока. 1. Контроль усвоенного на уроке. 2. Рефлексия. 3. Организованный конец урока.
Ход урока:

Организационный момент: 1. Приветствие. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? I hope you are ready with your presentation. 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока. Today we are going to speak about the school of our dream. Besides, we will show our guests our school. It will be an excursion, not real but virtual. We’ll arrange it with the help of your presentation. But before we’ll do some exercises. 3. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка. Listen to the poem “Our School” and repeat after the announcer. Учащиеся прослушивают запись (приложение 1) и повторяют за диктором. Do you like the poem? Pupils: Yes, of course. Can you say that it is about your school?
Pupils: We can say so, but there is no swimming pool in it. Would you like to have a swimming pool in our school? Pupils: It would be great!
Основная часть урока. 1. Обучение аудированию:  прослушивание текста I see that you want to change something in our school. There are a lot of children all over the world who would like to have some changes in their school life. Look at the screen. Let me introduce these three children to you. They are Danny Mondesir from Australia, Evan McLeod from Scotland and Stella Richmond from Great Britain. Now you are going to listen to them speaking about the school of their dream. Учащиеся прослушивают запись (приложение 2).  контроль понимания прослушанного текста. Look at the screen, please. You see some True/ False tasks. Listen to the cassette once again and do the tasks. Учащиеся повторно прослушивают запись и выполняют на листочках задание (приложение 3), на экране появляется слайд с правильными ответами, учащиеся проверяют свои ответы. 2. Презентация проекта. We have come to the most interesting part of our lesson. We start our excursion round the school of our dream. Our guides are welcome. Участники проекта демонстрируют презентацию, на слайдах которой представлены различные школьные помещения и комментируют их. Pupil 1: Good morning everybody. Welcome to the school of our dream. Look at the screen. You can see a classroom for junior pupils. There are no desks in it but there are a lot of toys, colourful books and board games. Pupils learn to read, write, count and do sums while playing. They like to sit on the bright soft carpet. Pupil 2: I would like to show you our classroom of foreign languages. Here we can study not only modern but also ancient languages such as Greek and Latin. During our lessons we learn different words and word-combinations, texts, topics, dialogues
and difficult grammar rules. We learn how to pronounce and spell the words. Of course, the most difficult is grammar but if you are a diligent pupil you can be good at languages. Pupil 3: This is a classroom of Mathematics. During our lessons we add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers, solve difficult problems. We learn the multiplication table with the help of funny poems. Our teachers let us use calculators. It’s great! Pupil 4: Look at the classroom of Russian language and Literature. Many pupils enjoy reading and the teacher lets us read and discuss books that we like. There are a lot of portraits of famous children writers. The rules of the Russian language are very important if you want to get a good education. Pupil 5: This is a workshop for girls. They are keen on fashion. Here they can sew and knit usual and unusual things. I think it is necessary for girls to learn how to sew and neat. The teacher and fashion magazines can help them. Pupil 6: And this is a workshop for boys. It is important for them to learn how to work with a hammer and how to repair different things at home. Here children can find all necessary tools and can make a lot of interesting and useful things with their own hands. Some special computer programmes and, of course, the teacher can help them a lot. Pupil 1: You are welcome to an Art studio. You can see two zones in it. In the first zone everything is ready for the children who are fond of drawing. They can draw in oils and water colours. They use their imagination and create masterpieces. They not only draw but also study the creative work of famous painters and discuss their paintings. In the second zone we can see some children who are interested in mosaic making. They use pieces of plastic, stones and glass. It’s a very diligent work but the result is so beautiful. This studio is a place where the children can develop their imagination. Pupil 2: I would like to tell you about our classroom of Geography. It is important for us to learn this subject because we want to know everything about the countries and continents. We learn where the main rivers, lakes and seas are situated, we learn about the countries and their capitals. All of this is not only interesting but useful in the process of modern globalization.
Pupil 3: This is our classroom of History. It’s rather interesting to know important facts from the history of our country. We learn about famous events, sea battles, wars and people who are well known all over the world. Our teacher of history helps us a lot to make the study of history interesting and exciting. When we know the past well we foresee the future. Pupil 4: You can see a classroom of Biology. It’s rather exciting to know all about plants and animals. Our teacher makes our lessons interesting with the help of different presentations, videos, laboratory works. How many wonderful things we can see with the microscope. We can also do some scientific work. Pupil 5: When children work so hard getting the best of education they sometimes feel hungry. They can go to the canteen and choose what they would like to eat. Maybe may children would like to have fast food but it is forbidden in our school. The canteen is at the same time an Assembly Hall where different parties and meetings are held. The pupils decorate it for special occasions to make it look more attractive. The pupils sing songs, recite poems, dance and make fun there. The most famous school festival “The Class of the Year” is held there, too. Pupil 6: At last we have come to a place where all children like to spend their time. It’s a sport centre. Here we have sport grounds for football, volleyball, basketball and tennis, a special place for running and jumping, a fitness center and a swimming pool. Pupil 1: Our excursion round the school of our dream is over. We hope that you like it thank you for your attention.
Заключительный этап урока. 1. Контроль усвоенного на уроке. Thank you very much, children, for your brilliant project work and wonderful presentation. I see that you have learnt a lot of words on this topic and have prepared nice monologues. And now we’ll summarize our knowledge about this school. I’d like to know what the listeners have understood from this excursion. That’s why I have prepared some questions for you; try to guess what is meant: o In this classroom pupils work with microscopes. (classroom of Biology) o There we learn about the countries and their capitals. (classroom of Geography)
o There we learn how to do sums, calculations and divisions. (classroom of Mathematics) o Different facts about people, famous battles and wars are interesting. Where can I get knowledge about it? (classroom of History) o There children can develop their imagination. (Art studio) 2. Рефлексия. Did you like our lesson? Pupils: … Which part of the excursion was the most interesting (dull)? Pupils: … What would you advise to those who will prepare the next project work? Pupils: … 3. Организованный конец урока. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your active work. Good luck. Good bye.
Приложение 1
Our School Our school is the best. And teachers are good there. We go to school not to rest But to learn clever thoughts and ideas. Many subjects are taught in our school. They are Literature, English, Biology, Physical education in the swimming pool, History and Information technology. Floors in school are clean, Air in classes is cool. How here is good – Therefore I love my school.

Приложение 2

Danny Mondesir:
The lessons will be as long as they are now but they should have more music and drama. We should be allowed to chew gum because it keeps us quiet. There would also be many school journeys, and a full-size basketball court.
Evan McLeod:
In my school I would abolish History because I would not want to learn about the past. I want to leave the future.
Stella Richman:
My new school would have a room for my coat or jacket and bag. In my new school there would not be any uniform. We should also be allowed to go to the toilet without asking.
Приложение 3
True/ False 1. Danny hates music and drama. (False) 2. Danny thinks that chewing gum can keep children quiet. (True) 3. Evan likes History very much. (False) 4. Stella wants to have a room for her friends at school. (False) 5. Stella doesn’t want to wear any uniform. (True)