
"Инсценировка сказки "Старушка Таал-Таал на английском языке"

Автор: Максимова Туйара Семеновна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: МБОУ Ожулунская СОШ
Населённый пункт: с.Дябыла Чурапчинский улус Республика Саха (Якутия)
Наименование материала: методическая разработка
Тема: "Инсценировка сказки "Старушка Таал-Таал на английском языке"

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Сценарий инсценировки «Старушка Таал-Таал» (По мотивам якутской народной сказки) В своей работе я использую инсценировки сказок, и в завершении учебного года мы показываем спектакль для родителей. В процессе постановки я имела возможность наблюдать, как раскрываются творческие возможности детей, развивается их фантазия и инициатива, творческие способности. Почувствовать себя причастным к волшебному миру сказки - это здорово! Но кроме этого решаются и учебные задачи – совершенствуются знания иностранного языка, расширяется лексический запас, поддерживается интерес к изучению предмета. Taal-Taal an old woman Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived an old woman. Her name was Taal-Taal. Once in winter she went for a water. On the lake, she began to skate. While skating she fell down and broke her leg. Lying on the ice Taal-Taal asked: Taal-Taal: Ice-Ice, are you strongest of all? Ice: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why do you melt? Ice: Sun is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Sun-Sun, are you strongest of all? Sun: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Mountain block you off? Sun: Mountain is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Mountain - Mountain are you strongest of all? Mountain: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Wind blows you through? Mountain: Wind is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Wind-Wind, are you strongest of all? Wind: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Forest block you off? Wind: Forest is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Forest-Forest are you strongest of all? Forest: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Fire eat you? Forest: Fire is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Fire-Fire, are you strongest of all?
Fire: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does water put you out? Firer: Water is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Water-Water are you strongest of all? Water: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Dam block you off? Water: Dam is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Dam-Dam, are you strongest of all? Dam: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Mouse run you through? Dam: Mouse is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Mouse-Mouse are you strongest of all? Mouse: Yes, Iam the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Dog eat you? Mouse: Dog is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Dog-Dog, are you strongest of all? Dog: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Wolf frighten you? Dog: Wolf is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Wolf-Wolf are you strongest of all? Wolf: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Lion eat you? Wolf: Lion is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Lion-Lion, are you strongest of all? Lion: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Man hunts you? Lion: Man is stronger than I am. Taal-Taal: Man-Man are you strongest of all. Man: Yes, I am the strongest of all. Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why… Narrator: Not having finished her questions Taal-Taal old woman died. Therefore, unknown today is the strongest of all in the world.